(P.S TBR-To Be Read. That’s me, keeping things simple by essentially shortening them to forms no sane human can understand)
I read books. I also don’t read books.I also start reading some books and not complete them. The struggle is real.
I’ve been doing that for a while now(not completing a book). It all began one fine day when I started reading ‘the shining’ by Stephen King. For those of you who don’t know, Stephen King is one of the greatest writers of the ‘horror’ genre.The shining is a scary book. A really scary book. So naturally I had to read it. So I procured it and started reading. I was half way through when I realized something. I couldn't continue. I was much to terrified to actually finish the book. So I put it down meaning to read it later when I’m a bit more mellowed down. But I never did. That’s when I realised something. You can actually put a book down and then resume reading it AFTER a while. For various reasons of course. There’s just a small problem. The suspense would probably kill you. You can read the rest of the story in Wikipedia but that would be cheating(kind of) and I’m VERY serious when it comes to books.That was the start of a shameful guilt ridden unwillingly boarded emotional roller coaster ride- The TBR concept.
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That's one hell of a ride |
Just in time too as my inner demon wanted to read classics. And one should not finish a classic in record time. Well I couldnt anyway. I finished ‘picture of dorian grey’ easily enough though. it’s obvious. The hero murders people so yeah. But I couldnt get through ‘pride and prejudice’ (argh the guilt) and I’m too proud to look it up. So now it’s on the shelf of doom along with ‘a tale of 2 cities,which I havent even started(not fair to the poor bugger). The struggle is freaking real. And then there’s ‘Moby dick’. It’s about a whale.God knows why I even started this book. Now I’m a few pages through and it’s as boring as my school’s annual report.
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Sometimes I surprise even myself |
I have a kindle and honestly it’s way easier to finish books on it because you can’t actually see how much more you have to read. IT’s salvation for people like me. But my mother refuses point blank to pay for my obsession-be it an ebook or a regular one-and so it’s up to me to magically find places where I can download ebooks for free. Let me put thos out there; I am horrible when it comes to looking stuff up. This is how I google. One can hardly expect me to ‘find’ books in the vast spiralling vortex of terror(a.k.a. The internet). But I have managed to download about 15 books to my kindle-a pretty impressive feat if I say so myself.
I’m a fast reader. I literally skim through pages and just plain skip the paragraphs that describe the landscape and other boring stuff the first time. It takes me an average of 2 days to finish a book if I spend the whole day for that sole purpose. So I ought to finish 15 books in a jiffy. And then what will I do? I can’t even. This is how I’m going to die- broken hearted from not having enough books to read. Sigh.
I’m a fast reader. I literally skim through pages and just plain skip the paragraphs that describe the landscape and other boring stuff the first time. It takes me an average of 2 days to finish a book if I spend the whole day for that sole purpose. So I ought to finish 15 books in a jiffy. And then what will I do? I can’t even. This is how I’m going to die- broken hearted from not having enough books to read. Sigh.
So true. |
Ah well, better than being Dismembered By A Captive Orca Whale At SeaWorld , or drowning while trying to embrace the moon or drowning while trying to give a titanic pose or dying by tripping on your own beard (the above said thing are actually true and not just works of fiction made by me to enhance my awesomeness).
Huehuehue. |
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